Are you feeling as though you are operating on autopilot throughout the majority of your day? It is easy to become distracted by the chaos that is life, and lose track of what is going on around you. At Fresh Start Life Solutions, we often utilize guided meditation, experiential activities, and immersion in nature as ways of introducing our clients to the idea of mindfulness, in an effort to enable you to more easily access your present thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness allows you to focus your attention on your current experience from a curious, rather than judgmental, standpoint. Once you learn how to practice mindfulness, you can integrate this technique into your day to day life, in order to maintain a greater sense of control during situations that may have previously resulted in feelings of anxiety or stress. Our therapists and coaches believe that the incorporation of mindfulness is an invaluable addition to both the therapy and coaching process. Your coach will help you master the skill of remaining present across all areas of your life, no matter the external factors around you.  


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